
For Investors

Having been a private business for a bit over four decades and recently becoming a public entity, we understand the importance of private capital. We have relied on our own profits to achieve what we have achieved until now by reinvesting it on our own projects.

Business Relations

If you are a business that is related to the Shipping industry, either dealing with ship management/ownership, and are seeking for a potential partner to propose a business plan of any type and interest, please don't hesitate to come directly in contact with our CEO.


If you are a business that is related to the Shipping Industry, from Shipowner to Agent, and are looking for a strategic partnership with Elvictor, in order to fulfil any kind of project, please don’t hesitate to come into contact with our CEO at We are always open to new and interesting ideas that might benefit both our parties.

UNSDG #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

UNSDG #9: Industries, Innovation and Infrastructure

UNSDG #12: Responsible Consumption and Production

UNSDG #13: Climate Action

UNSDG #16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions