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Quality Philosophy

Our Organization's Quality Philosophy is simple and yet challenging; strive for perpetual improvement in all aspects. Seek elimination of errors and always offer the best, technologically advanced, and innovative quality services to our esteemed Clients and our valuable Seafarer; seek to eliminate health & safety risks for our Employees and our Seafarers, minimize our environmental footprint and excel in quality.

We have far understood that we cannot realize the philosophy without the genuine and passionate involvement of ELVICTOR GROUP top management.

Our top Management sets the purpose of our system and pushes for its optimization. Quality Department is in direct and continual contact with the top Management to discuss concerns, analyze facts and KPIs, determine and plan improvements and implement new processes or enhance the existing ones.

This passion for improvement and innovation is disseminated towards our employees globally through constant training and contact, the implementation of a no-blame culture, and the use of our ERP cloud ecosystem, which is continuously upgraded to facilitate users and minimize operational errors. Our strive for excellence through our customer-centric philosophy towards every single Client separately is succeeded through our regular personal contact and the use of our ever-evolving client-specific ERP Interface.

The SaaS Intranet allows access to documents and records, quality control tools, and operations in a simplified, customizable, transparent, and controlled environment.

Last but not least, this drive is also extended to our Seafarers, where through their specific SaaS Interface, they can receive in an automated, controllable and traceable manner all necessary guidance and instructions during their recruitment procedure.