Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is an ethical theory in which individuals are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty, and the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of society. In this way, there must be a balance between economic growth and the welfare of society and the environment.
As we are in the Age of Information, we believe it is imperative to share it, especially if such information proves professionally, legislatively or in any other way beneficial.
As such, we welcome any maritime organization and society to contact us and provide any material, feeds, news integration, cause, mission, vision, and their related description, to include them in our website. The resulting nexus of useful data will be available to all and especially our directly related parties, which include Principals, Seafarers, Manning Agencies, Ship Agents and Training Centres. We hope that this sharing of knowledge, which we hope will be vital to many, may also spark conversations and shed new light on the varying perceptions and positions that are prevalent depending on one’s country or role in the Maritime Industry.
Our technological back-end, and the fact that we are hosting and privately own all our data centers, allows for a virtually unlimited amount of information to be stored and shared.
Be part of our vision to strengthen the feeling of social responsibility in others in the Maritime Sector. Let us evolve together and usher a new era of communication and synergy as the Sector slowly embraces the Digital Age.
Feel free to contact us at

We feel as our utmost social responsibility to communicate on our website the tremendous work and vision of Sailors' Society.
We always believed that the real asset in the maritime world is the seafarer, which forms our best advertisement and reason for our existence and excellence. We are pleased to be supporting maritime charity Sailors' Society and to be partnering with them on their Wellness at Sea Awareness Campaign to roll out mental health awareness and support to our crews.

We are honored to host under our new website, materials, and information of the known group of Companies Satety4Sea news, articles, and announcements that portray the latest developments in global shipping.
We believe this is the best guidance for our website visitors. Through this website section, we would like to acknowledge Mr. Beloka's group of companies and personnel for their support and shared social responsibility by providing such materials and information for the global maritime common interest.
The Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change
COVID-19 Pandemic has created the most significant global disruption in every aspect of our lives, maybe throughout the history of mankind, considering also the aftereffects. In shipping also we have seen unprecedented predicaments taking place, in many aspects of the industry, with the employment (or the non-employment) of the Seafarers, being one of the hardest blows.
Interactive COVID-19 Updates and Tracker
An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time. To identify new cases, we monitor various feeds, online news services, and direct communication sent through this dashboard.