Wellness at Sea

Looking after the wellbeing of your crew has never been more important. Sailors’ Society’s pioneering Wellness at Sea programme provides the tools to help crews – and their companies – to thrive.

"We are very grateful to Elvictor for highlighting our work on their website and mentioning the shared interests we have in the welfare and wellbeing needs of seafarers."

Protecting the health of your workforce – and your bottom line

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(Image Source: Sailors-Society.Org)

Wellness at Sea Premium Package

Reflecting 10 years of experience in wellness training, Sailors’ Society’s Wellness at Sea premium package complements the charity’s award-winning training with professional coaching and support for crews. The programme combines class and online training, coaching, a dedicated telephone helpline and peer-to-peer support, and can be tailored to suit the needs of each company.

Wellness at Sea Awareness Campaign

Developed in response to the current COVID-19 crisis, this free of charge campaign aims to increase awareness of mental health and wellbeing issues, and provide practical support to help seafarers through these challenging times. It is delivered free of charge and rolled-out over 27 weeks via a variety of materials including podcasts, videos and posters. Seafarers also have the opportunity to make contact with counsellors and port chaplains through dedicated helplines.

Helpline for seafarers

Need someone to talk to?

From relationship problems to health or money worries, Sailors’ Society’s team is here to help.

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For more information, visit their website:
