Interfaces of Digitalized Collaboration
Seafarer’s Interface
When a seafarer is registered in our System, we assign a Username and Password that they may use to sign on to their profile. Through this Interface, both Main Office and Regional Office designated employees can communicate directly with our registered Seafarers and share information.

As we opt for transparency throughout our cooperation with our seafarers, our System is designed automatically to notify them regarding the status and progress of their recruitment and placement, instructions that they are required to follow, flight/port/vessel information, and other essential advice.
Those notifications alerts appear in real-time in the Interface and are sent via emails and mobile texts when actions are realized from our designated employees handling their recruitment.
When a user sets a seafarer as accepted (lineup) from a Client to be engaged on a vessel of their fleet, that seaman’s status will change. An alert will appear in the Interface and communicate an automated message to the seafarer through email and mobile texts, accompanied by coded HTML5 interactive links.

The System releases to that seafarer non-sensitive information regarding the prospective vessel, the composition of crew nationalities and number of crew onboard, information of the joining port and country, safety facts, and guidelines for that port. They will receive updates regarding joining dates and flight tickets. Simultaneously, the information is entered into our System, cutting the middlemen again, allowing no room for time loss and possible human errors during disseminating that critical information.

Similarly, seafarers shall receive all documents and records that our Company or Clients wish to provide.

Our Clients may choose to provide their crew before their embarkation with rank-specific handbooks, familiarization documents, circulars, and any other document they may wish. Similarly, our Organization also provides documents that we want our seafarers to download and read before embarkation.
We can add System Complications and link the seafarers' recruitment and placement progress with those documents.
Our System can trace if and when information and documents are downloaded from our crew and, if not, block further process progression and alert non-compliance accordingly.

Accessible communication is essential for achieving uninterrupted, unbiased recruitment and enhancing the quality of the services offered to our Seafarers and Clients. Because of the time difference between our Offices or other reasons, our Main Office employees may have a recorded communication directly with seafarers via the ERP and get updates directly of their availability to embark, give instructions to pass any updated documents may be needed, schedule an interview for a client and for any other matters as required.
Feedback is essential for our Quality Management System, and hence, after disembarkation, we provide our seafarers a set of debriefing questions in a user-friendly version.
In this way, we can have a quality assessment of our services and a quality assessment of their employment onboard our Clients’ vessels. This helpful feedback reporting is available to our Clients and our Management for analysis and possible action that may follow when needed.