Crew Manager's Digitalized Operations
Training Management lifecycle model
Elvictor monitors each seafarer's training to be compliant with the Ship Manager's requirements and training matrix. For new crew members, the procedure is more straightforward and limited to the training matrix.
The Ship Manager's training requirements are becoming more complicated when some appraisal items identify areas for improvement for the appraised seafarer.
This identification triggers what type of refreshment training or further training should direct the seafarer to take. In other words, the correct training that Elvictor manages is not limited to the training matrix but also in identifying, monitoring, organizing, and scheduling future pieces of training according to the Ship Manager's policy, procedures, and authority provided, for the improvement and enhancement of the appraised seafarer.
For the reasons mentioned above, Elvictor has developed a digitalized collaboration and management system for training that Elvictor calls “training management lifecycle” that its pillars are the training matrix, the appraisals of the seafarer in line with the debriefing report of the seafarer.
Output Factors
Parties informed
The respected branch office(s) of Elvictor is informed
The Operations Center of Elvictor
The Ship Manager's Crew Manager
Lined up seafarers are informed
Secure training management process and do the appropriate training based on depicted areas of improvement of each seafarer
The advantages for the Ship Manager’s Crew department are:
The training management depends on mapped training courses with each appraisal's items that document each seafarer's actual areas of improvement.
Training is scheduled even before disembarkation, after the reception of the appraisal. The training schedule is confirmed and activated after the debriefing report of the seafarer.
No training needed to be completed if the appraisals document that the seafarer is competent, thus saving the Ship Manager's budget.
Scheduling of training and reports are automated and sent to the designated parties.
The philosophy concerning training development is the documented upskilling and knowledge empowerment of the seafarers, resulting in a harmonious training scheduling and management that would build the Ship Manager's seafarers pool.
Elvictor's training management lifecycle is a meritocratic approach to every single seafarer's upskilling. Elvictor communicates the digital training management system to every Ship Manager and commonly sets each appraisal item's mapping with specific training or refreshment course. Elvictor typically develops and morphs its debriefing report with that of the Ship Manager to cross-check the appraisal items' validity instead of the debriefing items.
Parametric Customization
Appraisals, debriefings, and training matrices differ from company to company, and for this reason, Elvictor morphs the training management lifecycle model per Ship Manager.
Best Practice
Elvictor's Training management is focused on pool coherence and sustainability through specialized upskilling and training development.
Paperless Operations
Purely digitalized system.
Documented Evidence
The training model's documented evidence is achieved through cloud access and a set of email reports.