Crew Manager's Digitalized Operations

Matching Seafarers

The matching stage is a dynamic stage, dependent on the screening stage and the continuous availability updates and alternations or cancellations of the availability updates.

Initial Matching

The matching stage indexes through a pool of “screened candidates” the top candidates, based on experience and documentation/certification validity weight, based on the seafarers’ travel-readiness that much more to the vessels’ joining dates.

Top Candidates screened based on vessel’s criteria for hiring

Requirements Matching

The system automatically develops pairs of compliance scenarios based on the officers’ matrix and based on the Ship Manager’s parametric requirements from the above-indexed pool.

Output Factors

Parties informed

The respected branch office(s) of Elvictor is informed

The respected branch office(s) of Elvictor is informed

The respected branch office(s) of Elvictor is informed

The respected branch office(s) of Elvictor is informed


A rigorous pool of selected candidates with accurate authenticity and validation of their certificates and previous sea services, with confirmed availability dates and matched to the actual open placements.


Avoidance of unmatched candidates

Candidates to be proposed are travel ready

Actual live pool
for proposal

Proactive screening, selection and matching



The philosophy of automatic matching is a risk-free pre-selection before any proposal. Throughout time, Elvictor's matching algorithm was developed to achieve high approval rates of new candidates proposed.


Elvictor's ecosystem proactively matching potential new candidates based on the Ship Manager's specific requirements and specific vessel requirements facilitated growing positive seafarers' employment experience due to the high acceptance and recruitment rate speed.

Elvictor's customer-centric philosophy is documented in this stage and has brought customer satisfaction and proven service value.

Parametric Customization

The dynamic nature of Elvictor's ecosystem allows not only customizations but also parametric alternations. An online form in the SaaS Intranet account of each Ship Manager may amend, structure, and complete any detail of the so called Principal Requirements and Compliance matrix. In case a Ship Manager changes his company's requirements by using Elvictor's SaaS intranet platform, the matching algorithm alters the exact second of the amendment.

Best Practice

Improvement and continuous machine learning based on matching algorithms allow the constant value of service enhancement and delivery. It brings satisfaction to both new seafarer applicants and more security of selection to the Ship Managers' side, minimizing selection defaults and delays of approval of a candidate. Equilibrium and optimum allocation of resources are in line.

Paperless Operations

The Ship Manager's Crew department does not have to exchange emails whenever there is an amendment on their requirements and compliance matrices through the online collaborative tools. Automatic emails are sent; the actions log is in place; whatever files that need to be communicated to Elvictor's quality department concerning the change of requirements or compliance matrices may be attached in the SaaS Intranet. All parties are informed imminently through the collaboration environment.

Documented Evidence

The success rate of approvals and the high retention rates form the most considerable documented evidence of this matching algorithm.

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Interfaces of Digitalized Collaboration

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