Academic Advisory Committee – 5th Annual Meeting

Academic Advisory Committee – 5th Annual Meeting – 24th to 25th of November 2021

Another year has found Elvictor at the top of the Georgian Seafarer market, and we couldn’t be prouder. We owe our success not only to our hardworking and capable teams, both in Elvictor Georgia and in Elvictor HQ, but also to Georgian Seafarers’ working ethos and quality, whose numbers and capabilities are on the rise on an annual basis.

The first day of the Academic Advisory Committee was spent discussing matters of grave importance for both Shipping and the role of Georgian Seafarers in it. Georgians help their employers as much as they are helping their country’s economy. They are a shining example of how public agencies, seafarers, and onshore personnel should act – in tandem and for the greater good of all.

The second day was split into three parts:

  • Batumi State Maritime Academy visit
  • Poti Branch of Batumi State Maritime Academy visit
  • The signing of Memorandum Of Understanding between the Maritime Transport Agency and Elvictor Group

The Batumi State Academy is a public institution of such majesty. A lean and clean environment, with modern and old equipment, to initiate cadets in the equipment they will use on the vessels they will be employed in and the history of said equipment. A state-of-the-art establishment, providing more than the needed resources to train and educate the next generation of Georgian Seafarers. It is enough to bring shame and envy to seafaring and maritime countries with more resources and a longer modern maritime tradition globally. It fills us with hope for the future of the Georgian Merchantile Naval Tradition. The thing that further reinforced our hope was the fire in the hearts, eyes, and souls of all these young cadets, our peers, and we had the chance of counseling for a brief amount of time. On-point and with fervor and enthusiasm, intelligent questions can only be described as passion and love for the subject they chose to make a career.

The Poti Branch is housed in a building that was destroyed for decades, and it was renovated in less than two years to become an institution that will hold at least 1,000 students. A testament to the constant investment of the Georgian State, guided by the expert and caring hands of the MTA. Its goal is to increase further the number of Georgian Seafarers that state institutions produce every year. But this specific building has a twist. Apart from all the modern simulators (even welding ones!!!), it will house classes dedicated to the education of students on fulfilling onshore maritime duties that will reinforce their companions at sea. Its Dean and the Mayor of Poti, which is Georgia’s largest port, took the time to give us a detailed tour of the facilities it houses, in addition to their dreams and ambitions that their vision for their city holds. The Dean, old and wise, the Mayor young and energetic, both present the two sides of the same capable coin. A further testament that hopes for the future rests in trustworthy hands.

Given the above, signing a Memorandum Of Understanding between the Maritime Transport Agency and Elvictor Group was a no-brainer, cementing a relationship with this gesture of good faith and a promise of mutual support to achieve goals that will benefit us all. A great thank you for the hospitality to all the great individuals that are at the helm of this significant era of progress for Georgia’s Mercantile Marine capabilities, identity, and mark, namely:

  • Mrs. Tamara Ioseliani – Director of the Maritime Transport Agency (MTA) of Georgia.
  • Capt. Zaza Makharadze – First Deputy Director of the Maritime Transport Agency (MTA) of Georgia and Active Master Mariner.
  • Mr. Ivane Abashidze – Deputy Director of the Maritime Transport Agency (MTA) of Georgia.

Thank you for your impeccable hospitality and your ceaseless efforts.

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